· Juni, 2011

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Kumpulan Artikel Tentang Inggris dari Juni, 2011

Yaman : Kebingungan Di Sanaa Di Antara Kesimpangsiuran Berita Tentang Saleh

The Yemeni capital Sanaa plunged into chaos this afternoon, with conflicting reports circulating about Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh. While some reports say he had fled the presidential palace in Sanaa, others are reporting that he was injured in clashes. Some even went to announce his death. The Yemeni capital Sanaa plunged into chaos this afternoon, with conflicting reports circulating about Yemeni president Ali Abdullah Saleh. While some reports say he had fled the presidential palace in Sanaa, others are reporting that he was injured in clashes. Some even went to announce his death.

Kuwait: Pengguna Twitter Penganut Syi'ah Ditangkap

Seorang penduduk Kuwait Nasser Abul, pemuda yang memeluk Syi'ah, telah ditangkap karena mengicau di situs ditangkap atas kicauannya di mikro-blog Twitter. Ini adalah pertama kalinya pengguna Twitter di negara tersebut. Penangkapan ini menyebabkan kemarahan di Twitter, banyak orang menuntut pembebasannya.

Tentang liputan Inggris kami
