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Infografik: 5 Fakta Tentang Komunitas Tamil Sri Lanka di Utara

  27 November 2016

The Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), a civil society think tank in Sri Lanka, has recently conducted a top line survey on “Democracy in post-war Sri Lanka 2014“. The results show that difference of opinion on the reconciliation still exists between the Tamil and the Sinhalese people after the Sri…

Seruan Aksi Darurat Perubahan Iklim Setelah Badai Pam Menghancurkan Vanuatu

  8 April 2015

Setelah kehancuran dari negara Kepulauan Pasifik Vanuatu akibat Badai Pam kategori 5, John Englart (alias @Takvera) melihat hubungannya dengan perubahan iklim:  Vanuatu has suffered its worst disaster on record with the impact of Category 5 Tropical Cyclone Pam, with the President of Vanuatu blaming climate change for extreme weather (Guardian 16...